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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Baby Story: Miss Nolee

It occurred to me that I don't really have it written down my experiences with pregnancy and birth for my children. I think I documented the best with Miss Starr since I did have the blog, but the others there's nothing but a brief journal entry. So, little miss nolee-bee here is what I remember from your pregnancy and birth. Please forgive the holes. It was a long time and with each one of your siblings births, my memory has taken a beating.
I was very young when I found out I was pregnant. It took me a long time before I really came to terms with the fact that I was having a baby. I rarely got sick with you. I remember one instance that I felt nauseous. I was at a friends house and just ate a delicious turkey and swiss sandwich. Then, I felt light headed and laid down on their bathroom floor for a few minutes until I started to feel better. That's the only time I can remember having morning sickness. The rest of the pregnancy was pretty easy. I didn't feel very uncomfortable. The only problem I did have was swelling. My hands and feet would always be swollen because of the heat, but I don't recall being that bothered by it. I tried to take care of you as best I could. I stopped drinking caffeine completely. I stayed away from people who were smoking. As for diet, well that was different. I ate whatever I wanted. Hot dogs at least 4 days a week and Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwiches almost as much as the hot dogs. Oh, and tons of watermelon. I could eat a whole seeded watermelon in 2 days. SEEDED. The HUGE ones. I gained about 40-50 lbs. Stretch marks were everywhere. Big purple zebra stripes covered my whole belly and were trying to wrap around to my back. The day of the ultrasound was so exciting. I couldn't wait to find out what you were. A girl! My sweet little baby is a girl! I never really gave much thought into adoption, but I had never thought what I was going to do once you came either. After seeing you on the ultrasound screen, I knew that you were my baby and I wanted to protect, keep, and love you. I felt so much love for you. The most love I had ever felt for anyone. You are my baby.
The day of your birth was just a regular summer day. Sometime that afternoon I started having cramps, and when I had cramps when I was on my period, I would eat. So, I made us a hamburger. It was a delicious hamburger. I remember it clearly (obviously I really really like food). It had sauteed mushrooms, swiss cheese, and bbq sauce. The cramps didn't go away after eating so I took a warm shower, and tried to take a nap. The cramps were getting worse and to the point I couldn't handle the pain sometimes. So, I grabbed my hospital bag and started to go downstairs. Papa asked me what I was doing so I told him I was going to have a baby. Papa freaked out and stopped listening to anything I was saying and shoved me and Nini in the truck and we headed to the hospital. I kept telling Papa we needed to go the 3rd floor, but again Papa was not listening to anything I was saying and took me to the emergency room where they told us to go to the 3rd floor. Once we went up, they had me change into hospital gown and call to register myself. I didn't like how they treated me. They treated me like I was a dumb kid, which I kind of was, but patients shouldn't be treated that way. I did not have a good experience at that hospital and will probably not ever go there again. Anyways, Nana was at work, but Papa called and told her what was going on and she came as soon as she could to be with us. My bestest friend Casey came too. The rest is kind of a blur. I got an epidural and sat around for a while until they started telling me to push. Then you got stuck! The doctor did 2 episiotomies and 2 suction cups. You were born with "horns" from the suction cups. I had 4th degree tearing. Once you came out they gave you to me and as I was looking at this beautiful baby, it hit me. The horrible urge to vomit. I yelled for Nana to take you and for something to throw up in. I puked and passed out. I was in and out of consciousness for I don't know how long. I remember saying goodbye to Casey and asking Nana to get me some chapstick. Then when I woke up again, the room was empty and I was alone. A few moments later, a nurse came in to move me to a different room. I must have continued to pass out because she kept making me smell those awful smelling salts. No one told me that babies could be in the room with you, so after they came to have me feed you, I would send you back to the nursery. It would have been nice to know that I could have kept you with me the whole time except when the tested you for jaundice and you had it bad. They kept you under lights to help. I wasn't doing so well either. They did blood work on me too, and found out I was very anemic from losing so much blood when you tore out of me. I guess they didn't think anything from me telling them I was freezing even though it was the middle of summer and I had several blankets piled on me. Anyways, before that, they were going to send me home without you, but because I needed a transfusion I was able to stay longer with you.
I love you so very much

1 comment:

  1. It's so interesting to get to hear how having a baby went for you the first time. You were so young! I can't believe that they didn't treat you kindly. Shame on them for judging. Thats crazy that you kept passing out.. and the 4th degree tear ouch!!
