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Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year

Happy New Year! 2012 has been busy for us. Zachary switched from the Utah National Guard to the Active Army, we moved across the country, and not only did the kids switch schools, Micah started all-day Kindergarten. We are finally starting to settle in to North Carolina. It is now feeling like home. We still miss Utah, but we're past our crying days.
Since it's a new year, we have resolutions.
1. As always, be fit and lose weight (the lose weight part is my resolution. I seem to be the only one in our family who has a weight problem even though Zach and the kids can eat all day long and not gain a pound). Zachary is always on me about serving our family healthy meals. Tons of veggies! He's also asking at the same time for fried potatoes, and biscuits with sausage country gravy "like grandma makes", and brownies, and ice cream. Stop it! You're confusing me! So, now that the holidays are over. I'm going to get back on the band wagon and focus again on healthy foods.
2. Get out of Debt! Once we are mostly debt free and I can quit my job, without us living off of Ramen, we're planning on having baby number 4. I have been having a hard time with the decision to have another child. As much as I love Lily, she is a hand full! There is not a single day that we don't have a terrible tantrum. I don't want to have to deal with having Lily tantrums and a new baby. There are so many reasons I can come up with as to not have another baby. We can't afford to have another baby, we can barely afford the 5 of us! I've been trying so hard to lose weight, and it seems nearly impossible, how will I lose weight after another baby? My last pregnancy was so terrible because I was overweight when I got pregnant, I don't want to have to deal with that all over again, but if I do lose weight, do I want to have to work even harder to get that weight off again? Yes! Yes you do! I feel it deep in your soul. My soul is crying out to me not to forget promises I made to be someone's mother. So, my sweet precious baby, wait just a little bit longer. We're almost ready for you!

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