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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Laundry Detergent

I have found a laundry detergent recipe that I like, that I think works just as well as the Tide I normally use. I got it from OneGoodThingbyJillee.com, only I tweaked it a little. Here is my version:

  • 1 Gallon Jug (I used a milk jug)
  • 6 T Borax
  • 6 T Washing Soda
  • 8 T Dawn Dish Soap (I used 2 different kinds. Original and Green Apple. You cannot mix the original with bleach. Don't ask me why. It just says on the bottle)
First I boiled some water, oh about half a tea kettle full. Then, I poured all my ingredients in the jug. Once the water was piping hot, I added it to the milk jug and stirred it all up. I let it sit to cool down a bit and every few minutes stirred it again. After maybe 30 minutes I took it to the sink and filled the rest of the jug with lukewarm tap water. I filled it until most of the soap bubbles had overflowed out and the liquid was nearly to the top. I then poured it into an old Tide container. I use a full cap full of the homemade with every load.

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