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Monday, October 4, 2010

Lily Starr Bailey

Lily is finally here. We went to the hospital to be induced at 9 in the morning, and got the pitocin around 10. An hour to 2 hours later I got my epidural. So I pretty much felt no labor pains up until about the very end. For the longest time I was stuck at 5 cm until the on call doctors switched. The new dr came and checked me, told me I was a good 6 and 100% effaced and he thought I would be ready in another 1/2 an hour. He came back 30 minutes later and I was ready. It took only 2 pushes. The doctor told me to stop after the second push so that my body could adapt and stretch instead of tear, but her head kept comming. Then a little hand and arm reached out and she pulled herself on out. She was ready to meet the world. Lily Starr was born October 1, 2010 at 6:11 pm. She was 7 lbs 3 oz and 19" long.

1 comment:

  1. Grandma loves you, Lily! I hope that I can hold you in my arms soooooon!! You are perfectly beautiful!
